BioGuard 5-Way Water test strips
Test for free chlorine, total bromine, pH, Total Alkalinity, and Total Hardness.
BioGuard 5-Way test strips contain 50 test strips.
popular testing method for backyard pools and spas
Recommended to test 4-5x a week
Decrease test to 2x a week once water is stable
BioGuard 5-Way test strips are a quick and easy way to test for Total Bromine, Free Chlorine, pH, Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity.
Total Bromine is the sanitizer residual in the water. Maintain a level of 1.0-3.0ppm for residential pools or 2.0-4.0ppm for spas. If too low, add BioGuard brominating products for pools or SpaGuard brominating products for spas
Free Chlorine is the sanitizer residual in the water. Maintain a level of 1.0-4.0ppm for residential pools or 3.0-5.0ppm for spas.If too low, add BioGuard chlorinating products for pools and SpaGuard chlorinating products for spas.
pH should be kept between 7.4 and 7.6 for best results. If too high, add BioGuard Lo N' Slo for pools or SpaGuard Lo N' Slo for spas. If too low, BioGuard Balance Pak 200 for pools and SpaGuard Balance Pak 200 for spas.
Total Alkalinity is a very important measure of the water's ability to resist pH swings. It should be between 125ppm to 150ppm. Total Hardness is the measurement of the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in water and should be maintained between 175-275 ppm depending on your pool surface.
BioGuard 5-Way test strips is the most popular test strip used by pool and spa owners nationwide!
Pool Complete Weekly (3 L)
Pool Complete® Weekly is the perfect complement to the BioGuard 3-Step System as it raises pool care to the next level by enhancing the visual look of pools in ways no other single product can. Pool Complete® Weekly uses a proprietary blend of targeted enzymes, clarifiers and a phosphate remover to elevate your pool care routine and keep your water in peak condition. It actively works in the background to remove unseen contaminants and improve filtration, which frees your 3-Step products to focus on what they do best as well.
We've got to say it again cause it's just that amazing - This proprietary, 3-in-1 high-intensity weekly formula will:
Keeps water AMAZINGLY clear
Prevents waterline buildup
Removes phosphates
Loving Pool Complete? Introducing the newest product from Bioguard® to the Pool Complete® family: Pool Complete® 911. Clear cloudy water with this instant water rescue treatment - contains powerful enzymes and high-powered clarifiers to quickly eliminate those unwanted conditions, with significant results in just 24 hours.
How much should I use?
One capful (4 oz.) per 10,000 gallons per week will create a noticeably better-looking pool!
Why take the additional step of an enhances?
Your pool is your investment. Having beautiful, sparkling clean water allows you to enjoy spending time in your pool. Enhancers bring out the beauty in your water and keep your filter working at maximum efficiency so you have more time in the pool instead of outside of it.
Pool Complete 911 (2 l)
Introducing the newest product from Bioguard® to the Pool Complete® family: Pool Complete® 911. Clear cloudy water with this instant water rescue treatment - contains powerful enzymes and high-powered clarifiers to quickly eliminate those unwanted conditions, with significant results in just 24 hours. The enzymes break down non-living organic waste such as oils, pollen, sunscreen, bather waste, hair care products, and more. Meanwhile, the clarifiers help gather and move the contaminants to the filter, where they can be removed from the water system. It adds the final touch to any pool care program to ensure your water is clearly at its sparkling best.
We think pool and spa care should be easy, and with the 3-step program, it's as easy as 1 2 & 3!
Keep your water sparkling clear all season long by following 3 easy steps.
Sanitizers to clean water
Shock to remove contaminants
Algae killing and prevention
Now the premier product for spring openings! Outperforms Pool Opening Complete™ when used for clearing cloudy water. Give Pool Complete® 911 a shot today! Loving Pool Complete? Be sure to check out the 3-in-1 high intensity formula, Pool Complete® Weekly.
BioGuard Pool Closing Complete (2 L)
Protects Equipment and Surfaces: It is designed to protect valuable equipment and surfaces during the off season and ensure a much quicker spring opening. This special extension of the Pool Complete family is formulated to counteract pool water's increased corrosive tendencies during the cold weather months.
Suitable for Use in All Types of Pools: Pool Closing Complete is a versatile product designed to cater to a wide range of pool setups, ensuring compatibility with all types, including in-ground, above ground, and those treated with chlorine, bromine, or saltwater.
Provides Final Touch for Pool Closings: Pool Closing Complete adds the essential finishing touch to your pool closure routine. It's perfect for both traditionally closed pools and those left uncovered, ensuring optimal protection even during a 'hibernation' state.
Tested and Proven Effective: BioGuard products are known for delivering reliable results and making pool care easy. BioGuard carries an extensive line of pool solutions for all needs.