The 5555502 | Self Clean Filter and Ice Bucket Lid will fit all Self Clean and Swim Spa models as replacements. Originally these lids were made in the same colour as the acrylic shell however in 2008 they were streamlined into two tone grey lids. In 2016 the warm grey lids took their place on all Self Clean and Swim Spa models. They will fit over the filter area as well as the ice bucket area of the spa.
Replacement drink tray
This gray drink tray has 4 medium and one large circular cutout.
Replacement drink tray for 2003 and newer Sundance Spas in the 780 Series. This gray drink tray has 4 medium and one large circular cutout.
Altamar 2015 and later
Aspen 2015 and later
Cameo 2015 and later
Cambria 2015–18 but NOT 2019
Capri 2015 and later
Marin 2015–18 but NOT 2019
Maxxus 2015 and later
Optima 2015 and later