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SpaGuard pH Increaser (18 fl oz)
SpaGuard pH Increaser (18 fl oz) $8.99
Raises the pH Protects equipment from corrosion due to low pH Balances water for bather comfort
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SpaGuard Total Alkalinity Increaser (2 lb)
SpaGuard Total Alkalinity Increaser (2 lb) $12.99
Eliminates “pH bounce” by balancing total alkalinity Helps to prevent equipment and surface corrosion and damage due to low pH 1 tbsp. per 100 gallons raises total alkalinity 25 ppm
SpaGuard Calcium Increaser (12 fl oz)
SpaGuard Calcium Increaser (12 fl oz) $7.99
SpaGuard's Calcium Hardness Increaser enables spa owners to increase their calcium hardness with this easy to use granular formula, which will boost your calcium hardness to above the danger zone, where low levels cause extensive corrosion of plumbing, jets, fixtures, and tub surfaces. Calcium Hardness Increaser helps raise the calcium level steadily so you don't get too much calcium and start developing scale build-up and cloudy water.
SpaGuard Anti Foam (16 fl oz)
SpaGuard Anti Foam (16 fl oz) $13.99
Quickly eliminates any surface foam caused by undesirable compounds and detergents For use with all sanitizer types For use in all spas and hot tubs
SpaGuard Enhanced Shock (6 lb)
SpaGuard Enhanced Shock (6 lb) $52.99
Burn away organic compounds with SpaGuard Shock SpaGuard Spa Shock-Oxidizer eliminates soluble organic compounds and irritants in spa water. It is buffered to prevent "pH bounce." Regular use helps maintain clear spa water. SpaGuard Shock Oxidizer is not a sanitizer or algicide. To sanitize your hot tub or swim spa, you must still use chlorine, bromine, or minerals. It does not replace the need for regular applications of chemical sanitizers. Shock-Oxidizer restores "spent" sanitizer chloramines, so shocking your hot tub can also cut down on heavy chlorine odor. Multipurpose shock with four functions: shocks, clarifies, flocculent and pH buffer Compatible with chlorinated or brominated spas or hot tubs and those using ozone or ionization systems Restores water sparkle, removes unpleasant odors Multi-Purpose Chlorinated Shock
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SpaGuard Water Clarifier (16 fl oz)
SpaGuard Water Clarifier (16 fl oz) $12.99
Helps clear cloudy water Does not affect pH Combines small particles into larger ones for easier filtration
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SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate (5 lb)
SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate (5 lb) $67.99
SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate kills germs quickly to keep your hot tub water safe, clean, and clear. The chlorine counteracts bacteria, viruses, algae, and microbes that breed in warm water. Hot tub water can be clear, it can be balanced, it can be hot—but until it is sanitized, it isn't ready for your family. Test your water twice a week and add SpaGuard chlorine as needed to keep germs at bay. Chlorine is a powerful, but temporary, sanitizer. After two or three days in water, up to half the available chlorine in your tub can become inactive or can evaporate away. If you ever over-chlorinate your hot tub, you can often set things right simply by turning on the bubbles for 30 minutes to help this natural evaporation. Regular usage: Add one ounce (1oz) of SpaGuard Chlorine to your hot tub for every 500 gallons of water, then test your water to achieve 2–3 parts per million (ppm) available chlorine. Shock usage: Add two ounces (2oz) of SpaGuard Chlorine to your hot tub after all bathers have left the spa. Circulate the water a full 15 minutes. Test and adjust spa water prior to the next bathing session. Alternately, you may choose to use a non-chlorine oxidizer as a shock treatment to burn away organic residue. Chlorine is a serious chemical, so it should be stored safely away from children, domestic animals, and public watersheds. Please read the label for full usage and safety information. If you find chlorine drys out your hair, try Purf Pool & Surf Shampoo.
SpaGuard Stain & Scale Control (32 fl oz)
SpaGuard Stain & Scale Control (32 fl oz) $28.99
SpaGuard Spa Stain & Scale Control - 1 Quart Prevents scale formation and cloudy water due to high calcium levels Removes some scale buildup on spa surface Removes relatively fresh metal stains from spa surfaces Simply add this powerful liquid formula weekly to safeguard your spa or hot tub from these threats.Color of the liquid is natural brown
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Shock Oxidizing Tabs (1.25 lb)
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Shock Oxidizing Tabs (1.25 lb) $23.99
Rapid Dissolve Technology Now there’s a super-convenient way to take the guesswork out of treating smaller bodies of water like spas, hot tubs or swim spas. Select SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolving Tabs feature a unique effervescing technology that will quickly disperse treatments throughout the water. No tedious dosing needed, it’s simply a matter of dropping tabs into the water and then watching them immediately start getting to work! Non-chlorine shock-oxidizer Quickly oxidizes non-living waste and contaminants Single-dose, 1” tab per 300 gallons – 1200 liters weekly Bottle treats average-sized spas for 12+ weeks Convenient tabs that quickly respond to key challenges in smaller bodies of water like spas and swim spas Single-dose, 1” tabs can treat up to 600 gallons/2,700 liters Simply drop a tab in the filter well, then watch it disperse chemicals without any added effort For use in spas and swim spas  
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SpaGuard Spa Shock-Oxidizer (Buffered Non-Chlorine) (35 fl oz)
SpaGuard Spa Shock-Oxidizer (Buffered Non-Chlorine) (35 fl oz) $28.99
Burn away organic compounds with SpaGuard Shock SpaGuard Spa Shock-Oxidizer eliminates soluble organic compounds and irritants in spa water. It is buffered to prevent "pH bounce." Regular use helps maintain clear spa water. SpaGuard Shock Oxidizer is not a sanitizer or algicide. To sanitize your hot tub or swim spa, you must still use chlorine, bromine, or minerals. It does not replace the need for regular applications of chemical sanitizers. Shock-Oxidizer restores "spent" sanitizer chloramines, so shocking your hot tub can also cut down on heavy chlorine odor. Multipurpose shock with four functions: shocks, clarifies, flocculent and pH buffer Compatible with chlorinated or brominated spas or hot tubs and those using ozone or ionization systems Restores water sparkle, removes unpleasant odors Multi-Purpose Chlorinated Shock
SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate (6 lb)
SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate (6 lb) $77.99
The SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate 6 lb: One-step, fast-dissolving brominating granules have no chlorine odor Dual-acting as both a sanitizer and oxidizer, eliminates need for two products Easy to use, no pre-dissolving needed Apply directly to water while the pump is running Killing bacteria is key to spa maintenance In a spa, sanitizers are added to control the growth of bacteria and algae. The warm water environment of the spa is conducive to growth, making sanitization essential to having a clean spa that is suitable for bathers. Although the chemical reactions that occur to sanitize a spa are the same as in a pool, the reactions in a spa happen at a much faster rate. Chemicals become more reactive and tend to be used up more quickly than in a pool, requiring frequent chemical additions to maintain proper sanitizer residuals. Purchase your SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate 6 lb today and watch the magic work.
SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme (32 fl oz)
SpaGuard Natural Spa Enzyme (32 fl oz) $26.99
Eliminates oils by converting them to easier-to-remove compounds Reduces unpleasant odors Improves water clarity Reduces scum-line build-up Helps keep spa water clear
SpaGuard pH Decreaser (22 fl oz)
SpaGuard pH Decreaser (22 fl oz) $9.99
Lowers the pH Protects spa and equipment due to improper pH Prevents cloudy water due to high pH Balances water for bather comfort
SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate (2 lb)
SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate (2 lb) $29.99
 Chlorinating Concentrate is also pH neutral to ensure no affect on your chemically-balanced spa water. This concentrate can be z
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Stain & Scale Tabs (1.25 lb)
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Stain & Scale Tabs (1.25 lb) $25.99
Rapid Dissolve Technology Now there’s a super-convenient way to take the guesswork out of treating smaller bodies of water like spas, hot tubs or swim spas. Select SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolving Tabs feature a unique effervescing technology that will quickly disperse treatments throughout the water. No tedious dosing needed, it’s simply a matter of dropping tabs into the water and then watching them immediately start getting to work! Controls metal-based staining & scaling Protects spa and swim spa equipment and surfaces Single-dose, 1” tab per 300 gallons – 1200 liters weekly Bottle treats average-sized spa for 12+ weeks Convenient tabs that quickly respond to key challenges in smaller bodies of water like spas and swim spas Single-dose, 1” tabs can treat up to 600 gallons/2,700 liters Simply drop a tab in the filter well, then watch it disperse chemicals without any added effort For use in spas and swim spas
SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate (2 lb)
SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate (2 lb) $27.99
The SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate 2 lb: One-step, fast-dissolving brominating granules have no chlorine odor Dual-acting as both a sanitizer and oxidizer, eliminates need for two products Easy to use, no pre-dissolving needed Apply directly to water while the pump is running Killing bacteria is key to spa maintenance In a spa, sanitizers are added to control the growth of bacteria and algae. The warm water environment of the spa is conducive to growth, making sanitization essential to having a clean spa that is suitable for bathers. Although the chemical reactions that occur to sanitize a spa are the same as in a pool, the reactions in a spa happen at a much faster rate. Chemicals become more reactive and tend to be used up more quickly than in a pool, requiring frequent chemical additions to maintain proper sanitizer residuals. Purchase your SpaGuard Brominating Concentrate 2 lb today and watch the magic work.
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SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve pH Decreaser Tabs (1.25 lb)
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve pH Decreaser Tabs (1.25 lb) $12.99
Rapid Dissolve Technology Now there’s a super-convenient way to take the guesswork out of treating smaller bodies of water like spas, hot tubs or swim spas. Select SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolving Tabs feature a unique effervescing technology that will quickly disperse treatments throughout the water. No tedious dosing needed, it’s simply a matter of dropping tabs into the water and then watching them immediately start getting to work! Quickly decrease pH level of spa water Provide soaker comfort and protect spa and swim spa equipment 2 tabs per 250 gallons – 1000 liters as needed Lowers pH 0.1 – 0.2 units Convenient tabs that quickly respond to key challenges in smaller bodies of water like spas and swim spas Single-dose, 1” tabs can treat up to 600 gallons/2,700 liters Simply drop a tab in the filter well, then watch it disperse chemicals without any added effort For use in spas and swim spas
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Alkalinity Increaser Tabs (1.25 lb)
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Alkalinity Increaser Tabs (1.25 lb) $15.99
Rapid Dissolve Technology Now there’s a super-convenient way to take the guesswork out of treating smaller bodies of water like spas, hot tubs or swim spas. Select SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolving Tabs feature a unique effervescing technology that will quickly disperse treatments throughout the water. No tedious dosing needed, it’s simply a matter of dropping tabs into the water and then watching them immediately start getting to work! Control pH bounce by quickly raising total alkalinity Helps protect equipment from corrosion 2 tabs per 250 gallons – 1000 liters as needed Raises total alkalinity by 30 ppm Convenient tabs that quickly respond to key challenges in smaller bodies of water like spas and swim spas Single-dose, 1” tabs can treat up to 600 gallons/2,700 liters Simply drop a tab in the filter well, then watch it disperse chemicals without any added effort For use in spas and swim spas
SpaGuard Spa Sentry (32 fl oz)
SpaGuard Spa Sentry (32 fl oz) $25.99
Why go thru the hassle of lowering your pH and raising your pH when you can easily pour one-time and know that your water is balanced? Introducing the SpaGuard Spa Sentry into the spa water balancing family. How does it work? Simply put: Introduces a buffering compound, making pH easier to keep in balance One easy step Controls pH for up to two full months Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers.
SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (1.5 lb)
SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (1.5 lb) $33.99
Organic brominating compound (BCDMH) in compressed 1-inch tablets Dissolve slowly and protect continuously Ideal for heavy bather loads and commercial spas Apply in a brominator or in a SpaGuard floating dispenser
SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (4.5 lb)
SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (4.5 lb) $93.99
Organic brominating compound (BCDMH) in compressed 1-inch tablets Dissolve slowly and protect continuously Ideal for heavy bather loads and commercial spas Apply in a brominator or in a SpaGuard floating dispenser
SpaGuard Soft Soak TRIO System
SpaGuard Soft Soak TRIO System $121.99
Three months of simple, soft, clear spa water treatment The recommended spa treatment cycle is to drain and refill your tub at least once every three months. Changing it less often makes it more challenging to keep the water chemistry in balance, resulting in more time, effort and expense on your part. The Soft Soak® TRIO® system is designed to fit this cycle so you’ll know exactly when to perform this important task. TRIO is SIMPLE No measuring, no chemistry lessons – just open, pour and enjoy.​ If you’re like most people, you own a spa that holds about 275-500 gallons of water. The Soft Soak TRIO system was made for spas like these; with pre-measured packets that eliminate the guesswork and let you know exactly when to add them. Three products, three months of stress-free enjoyment. TRIO is SOFT A proprietary blend of softening agents creates a noticeably better experience. The average spa user spends 15-30 minutes in the spa per soak. Make that time more enjoyable by soaking in water with elevated softness. The Soft Soak TRIO system creates a base level at fresh fill and then boosts the softness factor every week. Most TRIO users found the water softness to be "extremely satisfying" when surveyed. TRIO is CLEAR It removes major contaminants that make water cloudy so all you’ll see is your toes.​ The weekly portion of the Soft Soak TRIO system removes the unseen, common contaminants that accumulate during hot tub use so your water stays sparkling clear and odor-free. The last step ensures equipment also remains clean so TRIO can help prevent conditions that might diminish your enjoyment of the spa. PROTECT the FAMILY Sanitizing is another big part of spa care and Soft Soak has solutions for you. You can complement the Soft Soak TRIO system with either of our Soft Soak sanitizers. TRIO is compatible with most systems, including chlorine, bromine, salt, mineral, ozone and UV.
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SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Chlorinating Tabs (1.25 lb)
SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolve Chlorinating Tabs (1.25 lb) $34.99
Rapid Dissolve Technology Now there’s a super-convenient way to take the guesswork out of treating smaller bodies of water like spas, hot tubs or swim spas. Select SpaGuard Rapid-Dissolving Tabs feature a unique effervescing technology that will quickly disperse treatments throughout the water. No tedious dosing needed, it’s simply a matter of dropping tabs into the water and then watching them immediately start getting to work! Quick-dissolving sanitizer and oxidizer Single-dose, 1” tab per 300/600 gallons – 1200-2700 liters weekly Administers 3-5ppm of free chlorine Convenient tabs that quickly respond to key challenges in smaller bodies of water like spas and swim spas Single-dose, 1” tabs can treat up to 600 gallons/2,700 liters Simply drop a tab in the filter well, then watch it disperse chemicals without any added effort For use in spas and swim spas