Tether for The FROG @Ease Sanitizing System for Swim Spas – Made of BPA Silicone, Reliable, Reusable
Product Description
Upgrade to a tether made of non-toxic, durable silicone that has a natural resistance to mold, fungus, odors and stains.
Easy to use, with no assembly required. Just thread one end of the Tether through the hole in the FROG @ease Sanitizing System for Swim Spas and then through the loop in the tether. Then attach the other end of the Tether to a swim spa rail away from the filter - six loops allow you to lengthen or shorten the tether as you wish
The Tether is flexible and ensures a secure fit to keep the FROG @ease for Swim Spas System just where you want it.
The Tether is a versatile, reliable, resilient option that offers long-lasting use; the neutral gray color blends in with the FROG @ease translucent gray colored SmartChlor Cartridge.
An economical solution: Invest once in this high-quality tether for years of use, it’s one more component of the FROG @ease solution that makes water care so easy, it’s almost effortless.