Our pool was green and cloudy. We ran out of the Leslie’s product and this one seemed very promising with the great reviews and product description: “Clear up extreme cases of hazy, cloudy, and swampy water that is caused by an excess of contaminants.” Used the product as directed, and waited a couple days. No change. Since all other pool products we’ve used specify the pH and chlorine levels, we made sure to balance chlorine, pH, etc. and cleaned our filters. (This product makes no mention of water parameters to meet prior to using.) Added more Pool 911, waited several days, again no change. I emailed customer service and they replied that our pool was green because it had living algae, their product does not fix that, and we needed to balance the chlorine (which we were in the process of). I’m not sure how advertising that a product resolves “swampy” water in as little as a few hours means it does not clear green water? I wouldn’t have even considered ours to the level of swampy. Fortunately Amazon refunded the purchase price— and I was able to resolve our pool issues with pool chemicals from Walmart instead.