Product Description
SpaGuard Chlorinating Concentrate kills germs quickly to keep your hot tub water safe, clean, and clear. The chlorine counteracts bacteria, viruses, algae, and microbes that breed in warm water. Hot tub water can be clear, it can be balanced, it can be hot—but until it is sanitized, it isn't ready for your family. Test your water twice a week and add SpaGuard chlorine as needed to keep germs at bay. Chlorine is a powerful, but temporary, sanitizer. After two or three days in water, up to half the available chlorine in your tub can become inactive or can evaporate away. If you ever over-chlorinate your hot tub, you can often set things right simply by turning on the bubbles for 30 minutes to help this natural evaporation. Regular usage: Add one ounce (1oz) of SpaGuard Chlorine to your hot tub for every 500 gallons of water, then test your water to achieve 2–3 parts per million (ppm) available chlorine. Shock usage: Add two ounces (2oz) of SpaGuard Chlorine to your hot tub after all bathers have left the spa. Circulate the water a full 15 minutes. Test and adjust spa water prior to the next bathing session. Alternately, you may choose to use a non-chlorine oxidizer as a shock treatment to burn away organic residue. Chlorine is a serious chemical, so it should be stored safely away from children, domestic animals, and public watersheds. Please read the label for full usage and safety information. If you find chlorine drys out your hair, try Purf Pool & Surf Shampoo.
Product Specification
Brand | BioLab, Inc. |
SKU | 42616BIO |
Dimensions | 10.75 x 7.2 x 3.43 in |
Barcode | 17541627689 |
Weight | 5.44 lb |
Chemical Type2 | ["Sanitizer"] |