FROG @ease SmartChlor Sanitizing System for Bullfrog Spas, Simplicity, XL


FROG @ease SmartChlor Sanitizing System for Bullfrog Spas, Simplicity, XL

Brand: Bullfrog Spas and FROG SKU: 10-01064 UPC: 722906075219
The XL size SmartChlor cartridge included contains 67% more SmartChlor than standard cartridges and is recommended for up to 1 month of use in 8 & 9-sized spas or for even longer life in smaller models.

Product Description

General Tips

• Check spa water 1–2 times per week with FROG @ease Test Strips. • Maintain the spa’s pH, Total Alkalinity, and Hardness in the proper ranges. • Replace SmartChlor Cartridges promptly when empty. • Shock at least once a month with a non-chlorine shock like FROG Maintain. • Download and use the FROG Water Care App for testing and troubleshooting support.

How does FROG @ease for Bullfrog Spas work?

The @ease System combines the proven FROG mineral formula for killing bacteria with SmartChlor Technology that maintains a consistently low chlorine level for weeks.
Unlike normal chlorine that is used up when you get in, SmartChlor continues to maintain the same level, which is up to 75%* less than hot tubs using dichlor (standard hot tub chlorine). That’s why we call it self-regulating.  It goes to work when the hot tub needs sanitizing so there are no frustrating yo-yo chlorine levels.  This time-released method is also why less shock is needed to maintain the hot tub.

Product Specification


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